Thursday 7 February 2013

Climbing Spinach....Ummm WHAAAAA?!

So a few months ago I came across a vegetable called climbing spinach, I decided to add it my garden because it had these stunning colours of purple, greens and some white.

I didn't add it because I enjoy spinach, in fact it's not really related to your typical spinach you find in most Australian gardens and restaurants; it's known in the Philippines as Basella alba, and comes from the Basellaceae family.

Blah blah why do we care you might say, we'll because it's damn tasty and I must have a tween moment *OMG TOTES CUTES!* Due to its stunningly adorable heart shaped leaves.

It's great chucked into a crab meat soup and adds flavour to a freshly caught fish wrapped in its leaves and baked.

I do have some gorgeous pictures I took earlier for you of this amazing plant, however google+ is taking some time to upload them, so I'll come back to you with those later.


They will be in supply at our next kitchen co-op, so take them off my hands and give them a whirl in the kitchen!

I'm not too well at the moment, so I'm going to make some pineapple sage tea (an entry for another time) and rest.


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